Wednesday, September 30, 2009

how to sell

There are many people who are selling on eBay every single day. This is a very popular site for selling any product that you want to. When you want to sell a product on this site you will need to know how to sell on eBay. It is not hard to do but you do need to educate yourself on how to sell on eBay so that you can be successful with it from the start.
Here are some things that you need to know or do before you start selling on eBay.
You need to find a guide or a course that can teach you how to sell on eBay. This will make it much easier on you when you do start selling. This way you can find out what to do and what not to do to make your selling on eBay a success.
You need to spend some time on eBay to familiarize yourself with how things work. You might want to buy a product so you can see how the process works for yourself before you start selling on eBay.
Decide whether you want to use just auctions to sell or a store. You can also use both to help you get more exposure to your products. There are benefits to doing it both ways that you need to know about. You will want to find out what the differences are for selling on eBay both ways.
You need to learn how to write a description and title for your product (especially the title) that will grab the attention of buyers right away. There are so many products that they have to browse through. So knowing how to jump out at them with your title will help you to make more sales on eBay and more money.
You need to be honest. When you are learning how to sell on eBay, this is one of the first things you will have to know and do. Ebay uses feedback to tell buyers whether they can trust you or not. When you are not honest you will end up getting negative feedback which will mean that no one will buy from you. So it is very important that you are honest from the very start and take care of everyone who buys from you.
These are all very important things that you need to know or do when you are trying to learn how to sell on eBay. You have to take the time to learn how to start selling on eBay if you are ever going to be successful. Otherwise, you will end up struggling to sell anything and will eventually get discouraged and give up. This is not something that you want to do. So take the time needed to learn how to sell properly on eBay right from the start.
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Friday, September 25, 2009

The Secret Formula to Determine Expense Versus Income on eBay - Should You Sell After Reading This?

Selling items on eBay may not make you rich. In fact, selling on eBay may actually cost you more money than the items are worth. You should make informed decisions before you sell on eBay and research your items first. Be aware of all the associated selling costs before you post to eBay.
Before you start selling:
1. Use the income/ expense formula to determine what you could make selling on eBay. This basic formula also can assist you in determining how much you may owe in taxes.
Income/ Expense Formula
Income minus Expense = the amount of money you made or lost selling on eBay
Shipping cost included with your eBay listing (if item sells) plus... What person pays for the item they won (if item sells) equals? $$$$
Cost of purchasing the item minus Initial eBay listing fees minus Percentage fees after item sells eBay fees (if item sells) minus Cost of shipping materials (if item sells) minus PayPal fees (if you use PayPal and if item sells) minus Cost of gas to drive the item to the post office or FedEx etc (if item sells) minus Actual cost of shipping an item (take this from your shipping receipts after you mail your package if item sells) equals? $$$
2. Know the cost of selling. Conduct research of eBay and PayPal rates.
eBay rates include how much you pay to post an item and how much you pay once/ if an item sells. eBay bills you monthly seller fees based on your sales per month.
PayPal is the preferred method for eBay buyers and sellers to transfer money. PayPal acts as an intermediary between you (the seller), your bank, and the eBay buyer and their bank. Money electronically moves from the buyer's bank account into a seller's account. You and the buyer must sign up for PayPal and link it to a bank account before you can use it.
PayPal takes a percentage of your auction earnings for the privilege of using their services and takes their fees from you for each transaction.
3. Look at past eBay sales to determine the auction worth of your items. Actively check completed items on eBay. This will give you an idea for how much similar items sell, and if they are actually selling. Stay competitive with your pricing. You should not ask for an unreasonable amount as the item probably will not sell.
My son is a great example. He wanted to sell his baseball card collection and looked up active auction items. He saw a similar card listed for $100 on eBay and was convinced he would get that price if he listed his. I showed him the same item in the eBay completed items section. The card sold for $20. No one was buying these cards at $100. He wasn't happy with me but we saved some disappointment by researching the item sale history before we listed.
You should consider actively use this eBay feature.
To research completed items you must have an eBay account and you must be signed into it. Completed items are a checkmark box option in the advanced options tab and prices show up as red and green. The red did not sell, the green sold.
Completed items only go back two weeks, however, so it may be worthwhile to research regularly. You may see the price go up and down throughout the year and selling when the price is high will mean more money for you.
A while ago a new Nancy Drew movie came out and the selling price for vintage Nancy Drew book sets listed on eBay doubled for about a month. They normally sell for $150-$350 but because of the movie they sold, for a brief time, from $700-$900. Nice, although I had already sold my set and I wish I'd had another.
4. Find your niche. A lot of people specialize in certain types of items on eBay. They do their research and find items that sell well. There are collectors of baseball cards and Three Stooges bubble gum cards. Some people collect antiques and college textbooks. Find the items you want to sell and hopefully they will sell well.
Michelle Drumheller
Article Source:

Finding "HOT" eBay Products to Sell - Free Guide

Finding what sells on eBay is a lot easier than you think. Did you know that eBay releases "hot list" each month, helping people decide what is the best eBay products to sell!
BUT there is the down side, everyone has an access to this data, and in the long run it can hurt you. So you kind of have to judge the list, and see if there is a close to the list product you can resell to them.
eBay Helps You Out!
eBay has a hot items list, and consistently (every month) they update the list with their research data. This helps you because they do most of the market research for you. They also have the eBay pulse and that helps you see the niche market you would never thought of!
You should always consider the trends. Halloween coming, find out which costumes are popular. If it is Christmas coming, see which toys are popular. Summer is coming, any inflatable items that are popular!
You don't have to sell only on eBay, you can resell on Craigslist as well.
It is more handling for you, but sometimes bigger profits. People don't really see the Craigslist as the big market, BUT the thing is, it is HUGE! Last year, I was moving, and I had few things that just did not fit with my place. For each one of those, I've got 15-20 calls, I wished I had more of the items to sell
Local Outlet store!
This is an overlooked market, but you can easily get 1000-2000 K per month profit if you source your outlet stores for overstock inventory. First of, these are often brand name products, and they sell like crazy on auction sites. If the price is right at the time of purchase, you can turn around and sell it back for 50% profit margin. So don't over look this!
Test the Market!
Sometimes all the data shows you are probably on the right target, BUT just to test the market, only sell 2 of those items. You see they are moving, GREAT, but if they don't you just saved yourself a bunch of money!
Follow your buyers!
Currently at the time I am writing this, many people are into organic products. Organic clothing, organic food, natural remedies etc. You can do so much more with it! The thing is, you can even check out some popular forums and see what people are buying. After finding the eBay products to sell, all you have to do is find a wholesale suppliers, and you can use the worldwide brands directory for that!
You don't have to stab in dark, take a look at a free tutorial that will show you exactly what is selling on eBay and at what price, at very low competition!
Article Source:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Clever Sellers Scoop Up Bargains on eBay and Resell at a Profit

Did you know that everyday there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of eBay auctions that have misspelled words in the titles and descriptions? Auctions with misspelled information do not come up on the regular eBay search, so frequently these listings have no bids and can be scooped up at a bargain price. This means you can profit by locating these misspelled auctions before anyone else does!

If a seller is trying to sell "jewerly" instead of "jewelry" they are extremely likely to lose out on a ton of potential customers. If someone is an avid collector of "vintage costume jewelry" you can bet that the search term they use will be "jewelry" not "jewerly".

Remember - "If you can't spell can't sell it!"

The one and only way to seriously earn money on eBay is to take it into your own hands! Find deals whether it be locally or online. You should know a great deal when you see one. If you have trouble recognizing a good deal from a bad deal you may not want to get into eBay selling at all. That's not a slam on you, that's the reality. You have to be a "natural" when it comes to finding deals.

I want to share with you a really foolproof and definite way to make profits on eBay. Clever sellers purchase bargains on eBay all day long then turn around and re-sell those same items making a huge profit! This is a unique opportunity for those selling on eBay.

Benefits Of Selling This Way:

No more shipping supplies to buy. You buy misspelled items, they are shipped to your house in boxes with packaging - do you understand where I'm going with this? You never have to pay for shipping supplies again. As soon as you receive the package, open it, inspect it, close it and re-label it!

Job security. With literally thousands of items per day being misspelled and listed.....even if 1,000 people were doing this, you would still never run out of opportunities and eBay has no spell check and never will!

Low investment. Try this method once and discover for yourself how easy it is. Buy something for $10 and re-sell it in days for $20. This happens ALL the time.

You should be able to pick up some true bargains with no one else bidding against you. Just bear in mind thousands of items on eBay are listed with misspelled descriptions and item names, from a single word to multiple words. These items often close with no bids on them as no-one can find them. Uncover those hidden gems.

Teresa has been quietly making money online for 3 years. Discover her secrets and use the eBay misspelling tool by visiting